
Why Haiku exists?

Haiku- Strategic Branding Agency

Maybe the world does not need another agency. What it does need, though, are passionate storytellers and change makers who make it happen. 

The Why of it:

1. The world is a graveyard of great products with bad stories. These great products and companies deserved to win. Product obsession is good but bad storytelling cannot be justified. We want to see you succeed. Everyone can profit from a good story.

2. It is David versus Goliath all over again. No better time than now. The rules have changed. There is no magic in cookie cutter solutions. Brands are not made in factories. Assembly lines don't work anymore.

3. Creativity is not a substitute for innovation. Design cannot be just graphic. It is the way we think.

4. Look around. No, seriously, look around. We see a lot of people who want to create awesome stuff and change things for the better. What they need is some kind of 'awesomeness unleasher'. We strive to be that.

Let's make it happen!